Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thank God for Unanswered Prayers

Too often, I start feeling sorry for myself and am quickly put in my place by God.

I was so bummed last week when the doctor put my treatment on hold. I was exhausted. I wasn't making it through the day without a nap and was still going to bed when it was barely dark each night. I was eating like crap. I had no energy.

I prayed and prayed that God would keep my skin in tact long enough to get through ten more treatments so I could just be done.
I prayed that He would give me the energy to get out of bed each day to get to radiation and to power through each afternoon so my kids could stay on their semi-normal schedules.

I'm not going to lie. Wednesday, I was pissed. I was sent home again from the hospital and told that my body needed the full seven days to heal. I was pissed at God for not listening. I was pissed at my body for failing me once again. I was in a tired, overly emotional state. It was ugly.

Fast forward four days and I feel fan-freaking-tastic. Seriously.
My "big giant boob" has healed so much in just a week. It's now at the gross peeling stage, but is bleeding much less. The break was EXACTLY what I needed. So, I'm going to finish rads a week later than previously what?

During my days off, my lovely husband let me sleep in every morning. That man's a gem. I made it through every day without a nap.
Together, we tackled a few projects this weekend and spent a lot of time together playing outside with the kids.

My dad unexpectedly came to visit on Saturday. He couldn't have come at a better time.
We love him so much and wish he would come see us more often. (hint, hint) :)

We even pulled out those dusty party pants and made it to TWO St. Patrick's Day parties. My poor liver.

I feel so much better and I'm actually excited to get back to radiation tomorrow to finish this out.

God proves time and time again that I need to get over myself and just be patient.
He is amazing and His timing is perfect!


  1. Such an inspirational post! Keep it up girl.

  2. garth brooks popped into my head. thanks ;) so glad the week off helped so much. i think about you & say a prayer everyday. sounds like you have had better weather than we have, enjoy it! take care of yourself girlie!
    <3 kim

  3. YAY!!! I am SO happy to hear your boob is on the mend! Thank God indeed! Love ya! Let me know if you need ANYTHING!

  4. After staying with you for a few days,I am in awe at how well you are handling it all.Husband,kids, home,cancer would be enough for most people to just give up!Not you,you make me proud,Love,Dad

  5. That's so awesome Ang!! You are so blessed to have the life you do, and you don't take any of it for granted. Yes, garth comes to mind (more good memories of our youth) I can't help but tear up reading the comments betweeen you and your Dad. Your hair is looking aweome and I'm just so very proud of you my friend!!! ~ Ky

  6. Im sure you have heard this song before but just incase you havent :)Stay strong wonder woman!
